The rail freight potential of Hungary
A lot of developments have taken place in Hungary this year, and we would like to talk them through with experts from the field. What is happening on the border with Ukraine, where a brand new terminal has just been launched? Ukrainian exports are the main cargo type for East West Gate in Fényeslitke at the moment.
- How does the reduction of track access charges help?
- How is Hungary coping with the high energy prices?
- What is happening on the border with Ukraine
- Where a brand new terminal has just been launched?
- How well is Hungary connected to other European hubs?
- And what about the Eurasian traffic flow, does it find its way through Hungary?
- Ádám Tálosi , member of the board at East West Gate
- Thomas Palecek, RTSB
- Akos Ersek, UIRR
- Bíró Koppány Ajtony, mlszksz